“GNAYart Studio” by GNAY (photo credit)

GNAYgallery – The GNAYart Experience
Mulling around the waiting area, you are asked to surrender your cameras and phones before entering. Covering your head is encouraged but not mandatory.
The doors to His studio open (gasping is permitted). You enter His sacred space and you are instantly comforted by soft music and the smell of fresh baked cookies. Ideas hang in the air like plump low hanging fruit. GNAY, in a flour splattered apron, emerges from behind an easel. He sets down his cello and offers you a cookie. FLASH. Now you are face to face with the famous (handsome but humble) artist and you have a “Namaste” moment together. He takes you by the hand and guides you from painting to painting while explaining (without words) the “whimsical, but thought-provoking” essence of each. You have an urge to wash His feet, but it passes. FLASH. He hands you a (monogramed GNAY) hanky to dry your tears (of joy and gratitude) and you make your way to the exit.
Thanks for coming – please ensure you have a safe ride home.