
by Langerak, Linda

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Linda Langerak is an abstract visual artist who resides in Beaverton ON. 

She was born and raised on beautiful Vancouver Island, in the city of Victoria BC before moving to Toronto ON at the age of eighteen, armed with a scholarship in Art.

The key formative years of her artistic development were spent under the watchful eye of her high school art teacher Harry Stanbridge. It was because of his nurturing and constant encouragement that Linda decided to follow her heart and grow through painting. It was her heart that lead her here to Ontario where she still resides.

Growing up surrounded by majestic mountains, forest, and numerous bodies of water had a profound effect on her way of thinking, as did the twists and turns that come with life, and these in turn, have had a major influence on her art.  Linda is a visual artist whose current concentration is that of expressing her emotions on the canvases she places in front of herself.

Several colors are used quite consistently throughout her work to convey feeling and mood.  Brown, blue and green appear as a tribute to the great physical environment which surrounds us all. Yellow represents the sun and the life/will within us.  Black is used to represent negative forces that we must face and conquer, and red is the life blood that sustains us.

As to whether or not a painting is constructed in a structured format or a more unstructured format, largely depends on the purpose of the painting (i.e. the topic), as well as the emotions that the artist is feeling at the time of painting. If one were to see a series of photographs of how a painting develops, one would see that the structure can (and does) flip from structured to unstructured several times before a piece is completed; therefore no two paintings are ever the same.

Choice mediums are acrylics and a variety of texture gels (when the mood strikes). 

Wassily Kandinsky, Mark Rothko, Jackson Pollack, and Piet Mondrian are artists who have had a strong influence on her, and whose artwork she highly admires and respects.

Linda's work appears in several private and corporate collections in Canada and the U.S.